Preparing Your Body for the Cold: Wellness Tips for a Smooth Transition into Autumn

Susan Hoff
September 3, 2024

Prepare for autumn and boost your immunity with these six tips.

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Can you believe that autumn is around the corner? This means it's time to trade in those swimsuits for thick coats. Not only does our wardrobe begin to change to adapt to the chilly weather, but so does our body. The sudden drop in temperature, shorter days, and lack of sunlight can take a toll on our physical and mental well-being. Let’s ensure we start the fall right and take the steps for a smoother transition into the colder months.

1. Boost Your Immunity with Proper Nutrition

Fall kicks off cold and flu season, so it’s crucial to bolster your immune system. September marks the beginning of the sniffles, and by October, the flu is in full swing. A diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can provide your body with the tools it needs to fend off infections. Incorporate plenty of fruits and vegetables such as oranges, berries, spinach, and kale, which are packed with vitamins C and A. These nutrients are known to strengthen your immune system and support healthy skin, which can become dry and cracked in cold weather.

Warm, nourishing foods like soups and stews are perfect for fall. My “Roasted Pumpkin Soup” recipe is ideal for this season. Adding spices like ginger, turmeric, and garlic can further boost your immunity as they have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties, according to research. For an extra immunity boost, try my “Spiced Apple Cider Drink” to get a kick of ginger in your diet. Whether you prefer vitamin C gummies or tablets, make sure you take them regularly, as vitamin C is crucial for your immune system.

2. Stay Active to Keep Warm and Fit

When temperatures drop, staying active might seem less appealing, but it’s essential for maintaining health and warmth. Regular exercise boosts circulation, which can help keep you warm and combat the sluggishness that often comes with colder weather.

If outdoor activities like running or walking become less inviting, explore indoor options such as yoga, pilates, or strength training. These can be done at home and are great for maintaining flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular health. On milder days, get some fresh air and sunlight to help fend off seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

3. Prioritize Hydration

It’s easy to forget to drink water when it’s cold, but staying hydrated is just as important in autumn as it is in summer. Cold weather can lead to drier skin, and indoor heating can exacerbate dehydration. Aim to drink water throughout the day. Harvard research suggests that men should drink 15.5 cups a day and women 11.5 cups. If plain water isn’t appealing, try herbal teas for extra warmth and hydration.

Including hydrating beverages and hydrating foods like cucumbers, oranges, and broths can help maintain fluid balance. Proper hydration supports overall health by aiding digestion, circulation, and temperature regulation. For more tips, check out these 3 easy tips.

4. Get Enough Sleep

Autumn’s shorter days and longer nights signal a need for more rest. Adequate sleep is crucial for a healthy immune system, stress management, and overall well-being. Medical News Today recommends aiming for seven to nine hours of sleep each night and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, even on weekends.

Enhance your sleep environment by using heavier blankets, keeping the room cool, and limiting screen time before bed. The blue light from phones and computers can interfere with your natural sleep-wake cycle, making it harder to fall asleep.

5. Mind Your Mental Health

Autumn can be tough on mental health awareness with less sunlight and more indoor time. Combat feelings of sadness or lethargy by engaging in activities that bring you joy, such as reading, crafting, cooking, or spending time with loved ones.

Practicing mindfulness or meditation can help reduce stress and improve your mood. If you’re prone to seasonal affective disorder (SAD), light therapy can be an effective treatment. Investing in a light therapy lamp can help mimic natural sunlight and alleviate symptoms of SAD. Keeping up with mental health awareness provides valuable tools and support during these darker months.

6. Dress Appropriately for the Weather

Layering is essential for staying warm and comfortable during autumn. Start with a moisture-wicking base layer to keep sweat away, add an insulating middle layer, and finish with a waterproof, windproof outer layer. Don’t forget to protect your extremities with hats, gloves, and warm socks.

By following these proactive steps, you can help your body adapt to the cold and enjoy what autumn has to offer. With the right preparation, you can embrace the beauty and serenity of the season while staying healthy and energized.

Oath & Grind By Susan Hoff
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Oath & Grind by Susan Hoff is a luxe lifestyle community that blends fashion, fitness, and nutrition to serve as aspiration—because everyone can start a healthy habit, regardless of their age or physique.